I am only working off a wait list now until the kids are born. The wait list does not mean you are guaranteed a baby, It means I will notify you when babies are born. I will notify in first come first serve.
"spring 2021"
Breeding list/hold list. Get your deposits in early to get top pick's
Prices are subject to change if you do not have a deposit down before they kid!
Wethers $145 each. Wether holds are not on a specific goat.
I have the right to retain ANY animal. Actual kidding dates are up to mother nature. Be patient. I will update families with holds on babies once they are about week old and doing good, until that time I do not update! Thanks for your patients.
Anna Belle

Possiblity for polled and blue eye
Doelings $ / Bucklings $
Bred to: Prince
Due: July 7
No reserves left - Wait list only


Doelings $ / Bucklings $
Bred to: Prince
Due: May 9
No reserves left - Wait list only


High possibility for moon spots.
Doelings $ / Bucklings $
Bred to: Prince
Due: May 8
No reserves left - Wait list only


Doelings $ / Bucklings $
Bred to: Prince
Due: May 6
No reserves left - Wait list only


Dr. Love

Babies will NOT be registered
Possibility for polled, blue eyes and moon spots
Doelings $ / wethers $
Bred to: Dr. Love
Due: May 6
No reserves left - Wait list only

Babies will NOT be registered
Possibility polled, blue eyes and moon spots
Doelings $ / Wethers $
Bred to: Dr. Love
Due: June 13th
No reserves left - Wait list only
Dr. Love


Dr. Love

Possibilty for moon spots, polled and blue eyes
Doelings $ / Bucklings $
Bred to: Dr. Love
Due: April 19
No reserves left - Wait list only